We spent the weekend iced in here and Apprentice Red wanted to play some 40K with his Ork army. At one point he wanted to orks vs. orks but that didn't seem all that exciting to me at the time. I ended up going with my Big Yellow Hammer - an Imperial Fists Deathwing army. I had added some tanks to them since their last outing and wanted to see how that would work. We went with 1750 points, made up our lists, and we were ready.
My army list:
1 Belial (HQ) @ 190 Pts
Deathwing Assault; Independent Character; Inner Circle; Marked for Retribution; Tactical Precision; Vengeful Strike; Warlord Trait: The Hunt; Terminator Armour; #Iron Halo; #Teleport Homer; Thunder Hm. & Storm Sh.; Warlord
5 Deathwing Terminator Squad (Troops) @ 270 Pts
Deathwing Assault; Inner Circle; Split Fire; Vengeful Strike; Terminator Armour; Thunder Hm. & Storm Sh. (x5); Cyclone Missile Ln.; Deathwing Terminator Sergeant (character)
5 Deathwing Terminator Squad (Troops) @ 270 Pts
Deathwing Assault; Inner Circle; Split Fire; Vengeful Strike; Terminator Armour; Thunder Hm. & Storm Sh. (x5); Cyclone Missile Ln.; Deathwing Terminator Sergeant (character)
5 Deathwing Terminator Squad (Troops) @ 250 Pts
Deathwing Assault; Inner Circle; Split Fire; Vengeful Strike; Terminator Armour; Storm B. & Power F. (x4); Thunder Hm. & Storm Sh. (x1); Cyclone Missile Ln.; Deathwing Terminator Sergeant (character)
5 Deathwing Terminator Squad (Troops) @ 245 Pts
Deathwing Assault; Inner Circle; Split Fire; Vengeful Strike; Terminator Armour; Storm B. & Chainfst. (x1); Storm B. & Power F. (x2); Storm B. & Power W.; Asslt. Can. & Power F.; Deathwing Terminator Sergeant (character)
1 Vindicator (Heavy Support) @ 135 Pts
Vehicle (Tank); #Searchlight; #Smoke Launchers; Siege Shield; Demolisher Cannon; Storm Bolter
1 Vindicator (Heavy Support) @ 135 Pts
Vehicle (Tank); #Searchlight; #Smoke Launchers; Siege Shield; Demolisher Cannon; Storm Bolter
1 Land Raider (Heavy Support) @ 250 Pts
Vehicle (Tank, Transport); Fire Points: 0; Access Points: 3; Assault Vehicle; #Searchlight; #Smoke Launchers; #Power of the Machine Spirit;Capacity: 10; TL Lascannon (x2); TL Heavy Bolters
Models in Army: 24
Total Army Cost: 1745
Thinking: I ran through several lists trying to fit a command squad, a terminator librarian and/or a bike squad into this with all the tanks but the only way to do it was to drop the land raider at least and I wanted to try it out. The command squad not being a scoring unit made it an easy scratch. I decided that I wanted at least 4 squads to have enough scoring units to take some objectives, and I wanted to use all 3 tanks so that pretty much set my list to what you see above. Considering the previous battle's Ork army had 77 models in army, this was going to take a different mindset.
Strategy: If it's an objective mission one of the shooting terminator squads could sit on a home objective, play backfield defense, and still contribute with shooting. The two assault termie squads will deep strike in while the other shooty squad rides in the land raider. That was the theory at least.
Red brought Gahzgul and a unit of nobz in a battlewagon, a unit of burna boyz in another wagon, a unit of slugga boyz in a trukk, a 25-strong unit of foot-slogging slugga boyz, some lootas with a Big Mek with a Shokk Attack Gun, a ork fighter, and an burna-bommer.
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1 is in the woods, 2 is in the ruins in the middle, 3 is in the middle of that storage area on the left, and 4 is back behind the wall top right. |
You can see the table setup above. We chose to go side to side (no more diagonal madness for now) and ended up with "Crusade" (mission 1) with 4 objectives. Belial's warlord trait is set at "The Hunt" where he ge. ts an extra VP if he or his unit kills the enemy warlord. Red rolled a "2" on the rulebook table and took 1st turn night fighting which we forgot to use, even after I mentioned that had happened to me in the previous weekend's battle with Blaster's Eldar. Red won the roll and chose to setup first/go first. I didn't even try to steal as I wanted to go second.
My thinking here changed a bit - I put the termie squad with the cyclone and stormbolters on the home objective(#4) figuring that the missile launcher would still be able to reach much of the battlefield. Belial's deviation-free teleport and the shooting squads's twin-link-on-deep-strike rule meant that the boss went with them into the Deathwing Assault holding area, ready for turn two, along with one of the thunderhammer squads. That meant the other THSS squad went into the land raider, riding in style.
Red dropped 25 boyz on his backfield objective (#1) - probably won't be contesting that one anytime soon! His lootas and big mek went into a conveniently placed ruin at the back. His trukk was way out to his left (headed for #3) while the nobz and burnas set up right in the middle (aiming for #2).
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The view from my side of the table |
Deathwing Turn 1 - I didn't really have anything to move... except for one Vindicator who crept up juuuust far enough. Shooting: the Vindicator in the ruins blows up Ghazgkul's battlewagon - his ego was bruised, and the Deathwing now have First Blood. Then the Vindicator in the woods blew away 9 of the 10 nobz that tumbled out of it - Red was shocked at the devastation wreaked in my first two shots of the game. Ghazzy also took a wound from the exploding wagon, a nice little bonus. The land raider tried to do the same to the other battlewagon but was not as lucky. The Terminators' cyclone launcher blew away a few lootas though - I was determined to erase them, cover save or not!
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End of Turn 1 - Gahzgul exposed |
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End of Ork Turn 2 |
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End of Deathwing Turn 2 |
Ork Turn 3 - The Burna Bomma flies over the Vindicator in the ruins but the bomb bounces off of his armor. The boyz in the trukk unload on Objective 3 (Soda Can Square) and the trukk moves up to block the entrance near the remains of the burna boyz. The Shokk attack gun holds his position, targets Belial's squad, and manages to kill a single terminator!
The most interesting development happens when Ghaz breaks off from the lone remaining nob and charges Belial's squad! When he does I choose practicality over narrative and refuse the challenge. He then banishes Belial from the fight and engages the 4 remaining terminators.
Mechanically I did this because Belial has 3 attacks, the rest of his squad has 8 combined. with only 4 men left he won't get a cheering section bonus so I decide to go with the greater number of attacks over personal bravery.
Narrative-wise I played this as arrogance on the part of my warlord - as the monster ork closes in Belial tells his men "take him" and steps back, arms crossed, as he watches the fight, assessing his opponent.
It goes badly for the Fists - The sergeant goes first and watches his power sword skitter off of Ghaz's armor. Then we have the big initiative 1 beatfest where the rest of the squad manages to land a wound on Ghaz and he kills 3 of the 4 marines opposing him. Great. Ghaz wins, but we are fearless so this dance party will continue.
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End of Ork Turn 3 |
Deathwing Turn 3 - Not much maneuvering. The THSS squad near the land raider charges and wipes out the last of the burna boyz. The Vindicator in the woods, recovered from last turn, blasts the trukk into scrap, clearing a path. Everything else shoots, scores lots of hits, then I roll a ridiculous number of 1's to wound. The Lone Nob survives krak missiles, a Vindicator shot, and storm bolter fire, going to ground and hanging on for dear life.
In the epic confrontation between warlords, Ghaz issues another challenge and this time Belial accepts! Everyone goes at Initiative 1, Thunder Hammer against Power Klaw. Both score 2 hits and 2 wounds, but Belial's Storm Shield blocks both of Ghaz's hits while his blessed hammer strikes home, crushing Ghaz to the ground! Slay the Warlord - ding! The Hunt - ding! The plan worked perfectly, as after the wagon explosion and last turn's minion sacrifice, the big ork was down to only 2 wounds! Praise the Emperor!
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End of Deathwing Turn 3 |
Deathwing Turn 4 - The land raider avenges the Vindicator by shooting down the Burna Bomma - twin linked is handy for rolling sixes. The Lone Nob survives fire from everything, including the surviving assault cannon (3 1's to wound!) and then Belial fails to charge him in assault! The other THSS squad finally moves in and assaults the trukk boyz in Soda Can Square. The nob and the sergeant kill each other in a challenge (Hammer vs. Klaw Round Two!) but the other 4 terminators absolutely crush the remaining orks, wiping the unit out and taking the objective.
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End of Turn 4 |
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Objective 3 - CLEAR! |
It was a good game and went fairly quickly. I need to stop switching armies or play more often with all of them as there is always a ramp-up re-familiarization period that slows things down in the early part of the game.
For Red his his hindsight take-away was that he should have run the big mob of boyz towards Soda Can Square and parked the trukk boyz in the backfield woods objective and that might have worked out better for him. Orks have a hard time with an all-terminator army in some ways when it comes to shooting as they just do not have much AP2. Volume of fire is all they have and he just didn't have enough.
- Losing his battlewagon and nobz turn 1 took a lot of the fight out of his force but that's just how it goes sometimes.
- I do agree that parking 25 slugga boyz in the back was a mistake and I reminded him that 5 out of 6 games are about objectives and only having three scoring units in a 1750 point force, especially with orks, is a very risky strategy.
- The SAG did almost nothing the whole game and I think 25 boyz marching forward with a KFF Mek or a weirdboy would have done more.
- His flyers impressed me with the volume of fire they put out, but most of it is AP4 and so does little against Terminator armor.
For myself I thought it went pretty well. I actually used a terminator squad to hold an objective the entire game and it worked just fine. Belial coming down with a shooting squad worked out, and I had enough scoring units to handle this one. I think 1750 is the beginning of the sweet spot for a Deathwing army.
- I took THSS Belial mostly because that's how the mini I have for a warlord is set up. I am always tempted to take his sword option, but I like the mini to match and the shield has saved his bacon many times, just like it did in this battle.
- The land raider was purely an indulgence on my part - I've had it for a while and I've never fielded it and I thought it was time. I enjoyed it and it did shoot down a bomma, but I don't know that it's really worth the points.
- Vindicators! I knew they were good and they have continued to perform well. Given the points they will always be a part of this army going forward.
- I wasn't sure about using that second shooting terminator squad with the THSS sergeant and the cyclone launcher. My instincts were to go with another assault squad but I wanted to try more shooting since they are twin-linked on the deep strike turn. As it turned out I started them on the ground but their shooting helped Red decide not to charge that direction and I think they are useful enough in general to keep in the list.
If I was playing again how would I tweak the list? The land raider is really the variable here. I could take another squad and drop it in some where, giving me more options. I could take a librarian and a bike + attack bike squad if I wanted to get some mobile melta on the board along with some psychic power and another character. I could also take a command squad, forgoing the scoring ability to bring in a banner and possibly a medic to keep Belial alive for tough challenges.
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The Lone nob is hiding next to that d6 - and Belial is coming for him... |
A good time and some good stories are what I look for when I play 40K. The epic confrontation between warlords was a lot of fun, as was his lone survivor nob. Overall we had a good time for a few hours and walked away smiling which is all you can ask for.
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