Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Kickstarter for D6 System Second Edition


Link is here if you're interested. I'm a fan of these mechanics and have been for a long time. It's been a while since I ran it but it's always on the list. Primarily this is because of Star Wars for me and I suspect for most other people that would care about a new edition of these rules but I can totally see it usable for a variety of campaigns. Any pulp-ish type game would be a decent enough fit. Savage Worlds fills a lot of this niche for me but a cleaned up and refreshed set of rules could mix in nicely.

As far as that Second Edition part I'll let their own words cover it:

Why "2e"?

Wow, that's a good question. When we were talking with WEG regarding this project, for a long time, we struggled with the name. D6 System books often were just defined by "eras" or the systems they supported. 

Finally, we realized that even though numerous iterations and previous publications had existed, few (or none, really) of them had consistently presented themselves as an "edition", but more as an evolution or iteration on previous releases. 

Together, the teams felt that calling this corebook "2e" would mark a new era in the game's publishing line, and would help to codify and communicate clearly where we are aiming to take the game line in the future, while also using language that existed in the tabletop rpg spaces common vernacular. 

Works for me!

There is about a week left for the KS as I post this so if you're interested give it a look! I have no vested interest or connection to these people - I just like the prior versions of the game in its best-known incarnation.

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