Monday, September 18, 2017

RPG Update

Around here RPG time has been somewhat difficult to come by but over the summer I have managed to run some 5th edition and some FFG Star Wars. I like the FFG game enough, though I am still thinking other systems might be better for certain types of Star Wars games I want to run. My players seem to like it so that counts for a lot. Deadlands and M&M have gone on hold for now.

The list of reasons is varied: high school football games, moving Apprentice Twilight off to college, con prep, medical issues for some players, Apprentice Blaster getting his first job,  hurricane impacts on player families - we've covered a lot of unusual ground this year alongside the usual stuff. Everyone is still interested, but getting 3-4 of us together has been a challenge.

In the meantime I've been filling in some things I missed in Pathfinder, 5th edition,  and M&M. The expectation is that I will get to use them at some point in a real game - hopefully sooner rather than later.

I have not finished reading Starfinder yet - I'll have at least one post on that when I am though.

I've picked up some boardgames as well and I may have something to say about those if I can get some playing time in with them.

Anyway the blog is a little slow but I will pick things up the rest of this month.


  1. Have you checked out Star Trek Adventures?

    I wasn't too keen on it initially, but I've played through a scenario, and found it fun. It's not as deep as some of the previous incarnations, but it has some nifty bells and whistles you might enjoy.

  2. I didn't like the system in the playtest material so I kind of back-burnered picking up the final version. I think there's too much "system" - and it's a new system - for how Trek should play. It's a shame because it looks like it's going to be pretty well-supported. The fact that you're coming around on it means I should probably pick it up sooner rather than later.


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