Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Comic Catch-Up

Last year I felt like I had let my superhero/comic book interests drop off too much so I resolved to dig back in this year. I've never been a guy with a bunch of subs at the local comic shop but I've made some effort to keep up with what was going on. The electronic age has made that much easier with the online option but I had let even that go. No longer!

One thing I wanted to do was read all of Astro City, from the beginning, in order. I've liked everything I've seen from the line so via the nice collected editions out there in the world I have been catching up. Slowly, but catching up. I like it enough that I want books in my hand, not pixels, and I've been very happy with this. If you haven't read them then I'd say take a look at the first volume, "Life in the Big City" and that will give you a pretty good idea of what it's about.

Second, I decided to dive into current DC with "Rebirth". I'm just getting started so I'll have more to say down the road but it seemed like a good place to jump onboard.

Finally with Marvel I've been looking at classic stuff - mainly Avengers and Iron Man - but my next round is the Dan Abnett Hercules book from a year or two back. I've heard good things about it and hopefully I can add to them in the near future.


  1. I love Astro City. I've been a fan since the very beginning, and although I'm more than a little behind on the title (probably almost a year behind actually), it's one I always go back to and catch up with.

    DC is such a source of frustration for me I don't even bother anymore. I've given up on them. They finally drove away their most die-hard fan.

    Marvel...gosh, I wish I could follow what is going on, but it's all so confusing. The constant events, and ending various series just to have another issue #1 to sell has turned me off.

    Nowadays I get my Superhero fix from tv shows, movies, the occasional Dark Horse comic like Empowered, and Anime/Manga like My Hero Academia.

    I'm sure I'll get back to the regular stuff one of these days, but I'm hard pressed to see a reason to right now.

  2. I'm with you on Astro City, obviously.

    DC is more organized and coherent right now than Marvel. Rebirth seems to have been a good re-entry point because it's referencing stuff even I recognize as a casual DC fan.

    Marvel's line-wide crisis event every single year drives me crazy! They used to be a big deal but now they're a constant and just completely not-special. I had tried to dive in a few years back by catching up on "New Avengers but even that seems to have fractured into multiple titles some years back. I'm having trouble figuring it out even with a fairly thorough wikipedia entry to reference, so that's not a good sign.


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