Friday, January 5, 2024

40K Friday - End of Year Tyranids


I spent some time leading up to the new year getting more big bugs built and feel pretty good about the progress here  - adding 4 Tyrannofexes and a Tervigon to the swam makes it playable now - granted with a pretty weird force composition - but that's just how it is when you're building the force. 

On these models specifically these are:

  • A Tervigon with crushing claws because I figure it will be surrounded by gaunts most of the time but having some heavy-hitting punch in the middle of that could be useful against another monster or a tank that wades into things.
    Now with 5 of this kit you might ask why I didn't build a second one instead of a 4th 'fex and the answer is that I don't really see myself playing this army for swarms of little bugs, especially to the point that a second Tervigon becomes useful. I'm more Nidzilla-inclined so while I can see taking one to babysit some Termagants I'm not particularly interested in more.
  • 3 Tyrannofexes with rupture cannons because it's the biggest gun in the 'nid army and while points may rise and fall over the course of the edition there will always be some use for a really big gun, probably several really big guns - so I built 3 of them to be sure. 
  • The 4th T-fex has the acid spray because I think a giant flamethrower type weapon could be useful at times too. I did consider magnetizing some of these guys but I decided to just commit to this mix and get them built for now. 
The goal for now is to get the rest of the army built while it's cold out, then spray them once it warms up and start painting them after that. I do have a paint scheme in mind - still needs a test run but I think it will be solid. 

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