Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Wargame Wednesday - The History of Panzerblitz


A short post today with a link to a pretty thorough history of Panzerblitz - it's origins, early development, and eventual publishing history. Panzerblitz was a tremendously influential game as the first big popular tactical level game and one that would be in print and selling copies for  20+ years as well as spawning multiple direct and not-so-direct descendants. If you were playing wargames in the 70's and 80's you likely played this game and Panzer Leader and some of the other related games as well. I still have my battered copy I picked up 40 years ago and break it out every once in a while to touch on those early experiences again. If you are at all interested in the background of the game here is a really nice trove of information:

Link: An Informal History of the Development of PanzerBlitz

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