Saturday, December 1, 2018

December 2018: 30 Greatest Hits

Well 2018 has been a terrible year in some ways and a good year in some others and one thing that it impacted was the blog - as evidenced by my severely reduced post count.

In an effort to get things back on track here at the end of the year I thought it would be fun to go back through the last 9 years and pick out my favorite posts and re-post them once per day. No, this isn't the finale of the blog - it will continue - but it seems like an appropriate way to wrap up the year ... this year anyway.

A clarification: This is not a list of the most popular posts, the most commented posts, or maybe even my best posts. It's just a run-through of the ones I think are worth a second look, or maybe a first look if you missed them the first time.

Well, 30 anyway ...
So stand by for a sustained retro blast my friends ...

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