Tuesday, November 28, 2017

The Old Scarred Lands Campaign - Year 2

Picking up where I left off here is what the party looked like during these sessions:

  • Aden Hornmantle, Human Cleric of Corean 
  • Rukan, Human Paladin of Corean 
  • Gotar, Half-Orc Fighter 
  • Simone, Human Ranger/Rogue
  • Cressa, "High Elf" Wizard 
  • Caldon Greyleaf, Spellthief (intermittent player)
By the middle of the year they were all levels 6-7.

Sessions 12-19
These were spent exploring the upper levels of the tomb and recovering in town. highlights here included:
  • Paying the town's high-level wizard Karnov the Red to use a limited wish spell to free the paladin from a cursed sword. 
  • Having the headless half-orc resurrected after one particularly tough battle
  • Fighting skeletons, zombies, cave morays,basilisks, trolls, ankhegs, and su-monsters 
  • First encounters with priests of Orcus!
After this I was concerned we might be getting into too much of a rut so while in town a new problem came to light and the party headed out to ...

Sessions 21-26
These were spent exploring the legendary White Plume Mountain. Only one of my players had been through it before and that had been some time back. The high point here was when Blackrazor took possession of the Ranger who was finally saved by the Paladin who managed to fail some saves and get possessed by the sword himself while back in town. This resulted in a a massive chase all over town by the whole party. He was eventually captured and freed from the sword which was then hurriedly deposited in the temple of Corean for safekeeping. They still  bring this up today so I must have done something right.

Sessions 28-32
After the Mountain experience - or the Blackrazor experience as they would no doubt call it - it was time to dig back into the Tomb of Abysthor. This is where they dug into level 4 and got into a big battle with ogre guards and cultists of Orcus. Afterwards they had the Half-Orc raised again and decided they might need some help. This led to the cleric getting more involved with the Temple of Corean, the wizard joining the Mages Guild, the Ranger finding a new pet, and the fighter & paladin buckling down and beefing up their gear. 

Further Thoughts on 2006
This whole year's worth of the campaign was spent based out of Amalthea and traveling to two different dungeons. There was a lot of action but there was also a lot of intra-party roleplaying and character development. There were certain NPC's that made regular appearances and were much liked (or dis-liked) but the bulk of the fun stuff really happened within the party. In-world holidays were celebrated, characters died and came back, NPCs were mocked, and we had a blast.


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