Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Member City of Heroes?

Member 2012 when they shut it down for no great reason? Aluminum Man remembers ...

Four years ago today it all came to an end.

Still haven't found anything quite like it.

Someday ...


  1. Tribunus remembers. So does General Flameskull. And Frontovik. and Wondrous Lady. And Isungr. And many others.


  2. As does Duskwillow, Kid Monster, Godstar, and Doc Bravo.

    Bittersweet memories. I remember CoH almost more the way you might remember a place, rather than the way you remember a game.

  3. Remembrance and shared condolences from USAstronaut, The Midnite Hour, and the rest of The Crusaders Unlimited.


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