Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Three from TV 2016 - Westworld, Ash, and the Flash

The new TV season has started up and I have managed to catch some of the stuff I was looking forward to seeing. Short takes after one episode:

  • Westworld - looks pretty interesting. It was a cool concept that was somewhat limited by the effects of the 70's and standards and practices of the 70's as well. Between modern effects, being on HBO, and drawing in a pretty impressive set of actors I think it has a ton of potential. There were some twists on the original in the first episode that indicate we're getting a different take on the story and that's just fine.

  • Ash vs. Evil Dead (Season 2): The first episode of the second season dives right in to what makes this show great. Comedy, over the top gore, and some genuine spookiness mix together into a truly fun 30 minutes. Unexpected greatness: Lee Majors as Ash's dad! Awesome!

  • Flash (Season 3): Flashpoint! A story I know little about! I was worried we were going to get another multi-episode alternate world/timeline arc but it seems that we're mostly getting back to the main timeline after this one episode. Clearly there are problems coming out of this one that will go on for a while to keep things interesting but we're not in Earth 2 or the past or the future. I admit, I'd like to see a season without a big focus on time travel or alternate earths, just Flash being a superhero and doing Flash stuff but I suppose time travel and parallel worlds is a chunk of what Flash does. They've done well with the first two seasons so I am comfortable they will do season 3 right too. 

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