Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Rifts for Savage Worlds - We have a date!

Two Weeks!

I have to say I'm pretty happy to see that logo and that image combined. I think we will get to pay more attention to the setting with a decent system that's a lot less tied up in mechanics and one that plays a lot faster than what we've had for the last 26 years. It's definitely a chocolate meets peanut butter kind of development for me.

I'm slightly less happy to see that it's another Kickstarter but Pinnacle has delivered on every single one and they've run quite a few these last few years. For some reason I was thinking this would be a traditional release which they still do occasionally. The kickstarter will get plenty of attention and probably let them do more with it than the traditional approach but it means a month of escalating hype and stretch goals and I don't get quite as excited about that as I used to.

Anyway I'll be getting on board for this one and I'm looking forward to seeing what Savage Worlds can do with the Megaverse.


  1. This is so forward. What will I wear?

  2. I'm pretty sure Kickstarters are strictly casual so go comfortable ...

  3. I played some RIFTS in college. I always found the mega damage vs standard damage rules a little difficult to deal with. My human felt very vulnerable. I wonder how they will handle this.

  4. Savage Worlds has a rule for "Heavy" things so that to damage a heavy structure like a tank you need a heavy weapon like an anti-tank missile. It works pretty well and it gets used a lot in their super-settings and rules too so I suspect it's something like that. I figure it will just be the Heavy rule or another level of heavy - maybe "Mega". It's simpler than Mega-Damage but should still accomplish the intended effect: You can't hurt a Glitter Boy suit with a Colt .45.


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