Monday, December 2, 2013

The End of Paragon City - One Year On

Somewhere, the Mighty Crimson Fist is still fighting crime ...
City of Heroes came to an untimely end one year ago yesterday, specifically about 2 am Sunday morning my local time. It's still a sore spot around here and while I don't lay awake nights pining for it I do miss it at times. Quite a bit of the wallpaper rotation on my main PC is CoH screenshots so it still feels very recent to me. There are efforts underway to create some new games in the spirit of CoH but for today I'm wishing the original was still around.

Early on the last day in Atlas Park. Kaptain Amerika is the red one in the center there.


  1. You and me both, brother. I working up a Heroes Unlimited campaign based on an open RP I saw on a forum called "City of Heroes: Sunrise."

  2. While I had stopped playing sometime before it had ended, I really do miss it. There are now three other online Superhero games and the best of them isn't half as cool as City of Heroes (and isn't even a real MMORPG - Marvel).

    I miss teaming up with friends, making new ones and meeting the online legends like Top Dog and Major Victory.

    Of all my characters, I miss USAstronaut the most.

  3. We had our "into it" and "not into it" periods ourselves over the years but it was always there - now it's not and there's no good reason for that.

    I've toyed with the idea of running a tabletoop game set in Paragon City - lord knows there's enough material out there for it. I still might try it.

  4. I did it using Mutants & Masterminds after playing my first year of CoH.

    Good campaign that one.

  5. I may just do that...if I can find the character sheets and such. My ex-wife might have them...


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