Monday, April 22, 2013

S is for Captain Saskatchewan

First Appearance
At one point in my time on City of Heroes I developed a taste for Shield Tankers. I don't know why, it was just one of those things. Of course all of them were "Captain something-or-other", preferably some kind of geographic location. When I made a shield/ice tanker it didn't take long to decide he needed to be a representative of the Great White North and so Captain Saskatchewan was born.

After a terrible storm swept through the north, the Canadian Search and Rescue Service swung into action. The first day went well then a second freak storm swept down out of the north and the rescuers became victims as well. Many were lost that day and no meteorological theory has ever explained what happened.

Several days later one man was found wandering alone in the wilderness. His memories of the past few days were vague and he felt different than before. He was also carrying a shield made of a strange material that defied analysis and was always cold, but this did not seem to bother him. Vincent Campbell was no longer the same man he had been, but no one could explain the changes.

He was faster, tougher, stronger, and the winter weather did not bother him in the least, almost as if he didn't feel it. He had an instinctive ability to defend with his shield. The strangest ability though was to hold someone in place with a touch. At first people were joking about his "neck pinch" but the targets described it as a feeling of intense cold gripping their bodies and freezing them where they stood.

Realizing that he was now a very special individual the government assigned Vincent to a new role and gave him a new uniform. As a one-man division of the Canadian government, named for the province where he was reborn, he protects his nation and his people as CAPTAIN SASKATCHEWAN!

Vincent is a laid back guy, preferring to mind his own business rather than looking for trouble. He suspects that he was chosen for this destiny, but he is uncertain as to why as he doesn't feel especially smart, honorable, or holy. He does trust his own instincts but he also trusts his fellow Canadians to send him to where he is most needed. There has been some discussion about his joining one of the established super groups, and he is interested, but he is concerned that this would interfere with his role as Canada's protector and so nothing has happened yet.

 Captain Saskatchewan for ICONS

PDF Link is here

Prowess: 6 (Remarkable) - this is almost all instinct as he has little training
Coordination: 6 (Remarkable) - peak human performance
Strength: 6 (Remarkable) - peak human performance
Intellect: 4 (Good) - educated but not a genius
Awareness: 5 (Excellent) - his S&R training does count here
Willpower: 6 (Remarkable) - he fights for Canada!

Stamina: 12
Determination: 3

Origin: Transformed
Specialties: Athletics, Nature, Medicine, Languages (French)

Force Field 6 (Device) - Shield of the Great White North

Resistance 4 - "Spirit of the Great White North"

Paralysis 8 - "Grasp of the Great White North"

Epithet : "Defender of the Great White North"

Connections : Canadian Supers & Agencies - he is a part of a network and is not afraid to call in some backup or consult a more knowledgeable source

Motivation : Protect his homeland - It's not just a name, it's a calling and the reason he dives into danger every day.

"Low Profile" - Vincent is fairly new at the superhero business and does not really see himself on the same level as other superheroes. He tends to defer to anyone who seems to know what they're doing. He also sees his primary duty as rescue and protection, not starting or finishing a fight. The only time the steel really comes out is if innocents are directly threatened, in which case he will stand to the end. Most of the time he prefers to use his freezing touch to end a fight as quickly as possible so he can tend to any injured civilians.

Notes: Yet another 55-point hero. The shield is again listed as Force Field to reflect that he must be conscious to use it. Resistance represents his ability to ignore the cold. I used Paralysis to represent his freezing touch rather than Binding as I don't see it as a block of ice (that can be burst with strength) but rather a penetrating bone-chilling cold that slows and stops the victim from the inside.

Possible changes include adding a point of Life Support vs. cold, or in lieu of that just remove Resistance and add Immunity to cold. I wanted to leave it a little less complete (and keep that 3rd point of Determination) so I didn't do it that way but it's certainly a valid option. You could also go ahead and give him a Blast power to represent the thrown shield but I was trying to get away from that for a change. 

Let's take another look at him...

 Captain Saskatchewan for Mutants and Masterminds (3E)

PDF Link is here

Captain Saskatchewan - PL 10

Hello Martian Manhuntress!

Strength 6, Stamina 6, Agility 6, Dexterity 2, Fighting 10, Intellect 2, Awareness 4, Presence 1

Benefit, Security Clearance: Canadian Govt, Connected, Diehard, Evasion 2, Extraordinary Effort, Favored
Environment: Extreme Cold, Great Endurance, Interpose, Languages 1, Move-by Action, Tracking,
Uncanny Dodge

Athletics 9 (+15), Expertise: Wilderness Survival 8 (+10), Insight 2 (+6), Intimidation 1 (+2), Perception 6
(+10), Stealth 2 (+8), Treatment 8 (+10), Vehicles 2 (+4)

Grasp of the Great White North: Cumulative Affliction 10 (1st degree: Fatigued, 2nd degree: Disabled,
3rd degree: Paralyzed, Resisted by: Fortitude, DC 20; Cumulative)
Alternate Effect: Frost Aura: Damage 5 (Alternate; DC 20; Reaction 3: reaction)

Shield of the Great White North: Force Field 4 (+4 Toughness; Impervious)

Spirit of the Great White North: Immunity 1 (Environmental Condition: Cold)

Initiative +6
Frost Aura: Damage 5, +10 (DC 20)
Grab, +10 (DC Spec 16)
Grasp of the Great White North: Cumulative Affliction 10, +10 (DC Fort 20)
Throw, +2 (DC 21)
Unarmed, +10 (DC 21)

Dodge 10, Parry 10, Fortitude 10, Toughness 10, Will 10

Low Profile: Vincent is fairly new at the superhero business and does not really see himself on the same
level as other superheroes. He tends to defer to anyone who seems to know what they're doing. He also
sees his primary duty as rescue and protection, not starting or finishing a fight. The only time the steel
really comes out is if innocents are directly threatened, in which case he will stand to the end. Most of
the time he prefers to use his freezing touch to end a fight as quickly as possible so he can tend to any
injured civilians.

Motivation: Patriotism: "Defender of the Great White North" - It's not just a name, it's a calling and the
reason he dives into danger every day.

English, French

Power Points
Abilities 74 + Powers 30 + Advantages 13 + Skills 19 (38 ranks) + Defenses 14 = 150

Teamed Up!

Notes: This version is pretty similar to the ICONS version with the non-throwable shield, resistance to cold, and a paralyzing touch. I gave him an alternate power where he can channel his inner cold to give himself a frost aura. Due to the point costs it's only 5 ranks, but if he's being swarmed by minions is might be handier than a single-target paralysis attack. He's a classic tanker type as his defenses are varied and numerous while his offense, other than paralysis, is pretty much punching people in the face. I left him at a 10/10 split to represent a balance of skill and power but that could be adjusted either way.

Modifications: I'm sure there's a way to make his paralyzing touch Grab-based and bring down the cost, but I didn't want to complicate him too much. Adding a ranged damage option to the shield is possible but his ranged combat skills are pretty low so it's not really worth it right now. Experience could also mean he starts adding combat Advantages like All-Out Attack, Power Attack, etc. I'd say wait and see which Maneuvers he uses most and then buy the relevant advantage pretty early on.

1 comment:

  1. That's such a cool name because my husband was from Saskatchewan.


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