Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Back to Action!

Well the move is complete - we're still pulling things out of boxes but not things we need every day. My off-time is over so we're getting into a routine with new routes to work and a new location for the kids. One of the cooler things is that in the new place I actually have room to keep pretty much all of the RPG's/Boardgames/Wargames on shelves ready to go at will, instead of half of it being shelved or boxed in the garage. I also have the table and the space to leave games out for a few days while we finish them, which is a long time goal of mine and the current re-introductory game of old school Battletech is serving as a fine test run for this concept. It's a very cool thing to have the library all right there out in the open in its own (air-conditioned) space and I'm very happy about it.

At one point I thought about making August a themed month for posts (kind of like Barking Alien is doing - check it out, it's good stuff) and I was thinking that the theme would be session reports. The problem there is that I am tired by the end of the day, with all of the normal work stuff topped off with all the physical action of moving, unpacking, and rearranging, especially with furniture, boxes of books, and stairs involved. Writing those reports can turn into work - I like to get them right - and I'm just not going to commit to that now. So no "Session Report Month" this month. Other than that stuff I posted over the last two weeks.

So I have no grand plan for the rest of the month. I did rediscover quite a few things in this process so those things might show up in some posts. The ICONS game continues and that might show up. As I mentioned above we're giving Battletech some time so that might show up. Being offline for the most part for a week reminded me that while there are some things I care enough to post about, paradoxically there are some that I do not, yet I may post about that too. I'm feeling a lot of "fresh start-itis" these days and with my 3rd anniversary of starting the blog coming up it may be a good time to set some new directions.

In the interests of providing some actual useful content in this post here's the Green Ronin schedule for the rest of the year. Some thoughts in no particular order:

  • Threat Report - I have it in PDF form so I'm not interested in the print copy but it's a good addition to the line. If any type of book lends itself to the printing of a page as-needed it's a "monster book" so that's on I am perfectly happy keeping in PDF.
  • DC Universe book in November - this could be pretty cool, but I don;t intend to run anything in the actual DC Universe. I'll keep an eye on it anyway
  • Emerald City in November? Awwww, I was hoping to see this sooner. I'm looking at running the adventure series for the Apprentices in the near future and it would have been nice to have the box for that. Ah well.
  • Supernatural Handbook in October? I just don't know about this one. Is there a popular subgenre of comics that combines supers and horror? There was a magic supplement for M&M 2E (which I own) but this sounds like Super Call of Cthulu in the description and I have to wonder how many people are waiting for that book - or more importantly how many people are willing to pay 20-30-40$ for that book?
Also, Monte Cook has a new RPG in the works. I'm not sure about this one. It's sort of post-apocalyptic fantasy but it's so far in the future that you lose a lot of the tropes of the traditional post-apocalyptic genre as far as culture and artifacts and if the science then becomes interchangeable with magic then what's the point? Pretty much every D&D campaign is based on making your way amidst the ruins of a bunch of past civilizations with magic taking the place of technology. So I'll be watching it with some interest, though I'm not sure how interested I'm going to stay. Also, my Dragonport campaign uses some of the same concepts and it's really just a Basic D&D campaign, so I'm not sure the setting he's developing strikes me as all that special based on what we know now. Anyway, it's something to watch.

That's all for now - more to come.


  1. Thanks for the mention Blacksteel and of course, congrats on the successful move.

    I am interested in Threat Report but not chomping at the bit to get it as I already have a lot of bad guys for Supers games. Maybe on PDF.

    DC is a must have for me as I love the Pre-52 DC Universe and, while I probably know all the info in the book, it promises to have writes-ups for some characters and items not in the previous volumes.

    Emerald City? Maybe PDF. Eventually. I am very much underwhelmed by the new default setting for M&M. Freedom City is way cooler IMHO.

    The Supernatural Sourcebook is a new one on me. This is the first time I am hearing about it. Maybe it'll be all Vertigo Comics-ish. Interested to say the least. We shall see.

    Keep on keepin' on my friend.

  2. The move would have been a lot easier if we had not suddenly found ourselves in a live-action game set on Tatooine - I think it was 103+ every single day we were moving.

    Threat Report is nice - I picked up the PDF when it was on sale. That kind of book is the one area where a PDF is just about a perfect replacement for a physical book as I typically only need a page or two at a time. Print it out and I can make notes or tweaks to it as needed and I still have the original to refer back to. Especially in a supers-game, it's handy.

    I'm exploring a slightly older DC option right now ...


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