Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Bad Game Ideas for Tuesday

The stack of game books next to the computer has been growing some - new year = new ideas. Feng Shui, Reign, Pendragon, Rifts Ultimate, and some 3E Necromancer games modules are all in there. So I'm getting a lot of cross-pollination. The main focus has been boning up on Star Wars Saga, but I've been having some strange campaign ideas so I'm going to share:

Idea I might try to run: A Pendragon campaign set in Warhammer's Bretonnia using the WFRP 2E mechanics but with Passions and the family thing grafted on. I need to re-read Pendragon as it's been quite awhile (that's why it's on the stack) but I've been obsessed with mixing it into Warhammer and I don't have a really good reason for that. I really need more time to run these things.

Idea discarded on Day 1: Converting 4th Edition D&D modules back to Basic D&D. It can probably be done and it would make a nice story to share, but I realized that was my main motivation to do it: to be able to say that I did it, rather than because I think it would be a quality gaming experience. So after looking at some monster lists and the like I let it go. The world is probably better for that.


  1. Ah, not that's the kind of gaming gumbo that puts a spring in your step I ga-ron-tee.

  2. I ran the Keep on the Shadowfell for my kids using the Microlite74 Extended ruleset. It was stupid how easy it was to convert, literally on the fly. Grabbing appropriate 0E monsters (or making them up as you go) is pretty straightforward.

  3. Sully - I can see it being do-able, I'm just not sure it's something I need to do since I have a ton of low-level Basic/1E adventures already.

    BA - Youse guys and youse funny accents...


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