Monday, June 13, 2011

Motivational Monday


  1. Reminds me of a Starfleet Battles game I ran, allowing everyone to bring in their own custom ships.

    Someone brought a SFB-armed Deathstar enshrouded in a ST:TMP V'ger like cloud full of stasis shields and mines. We attacked the player for seven full turns before he chose to retaliate. I can still hear him,

    "For my first attack wave..."

    ... and then we were all destroyed or captured.

  2. Andromdans in SFB are kind of like this too- I took an old expansion 1 X-ship up against a Dominator back when those first came out. Hit it with everything for zero internal damage. I turned and ran for the starbase and it fed my own energy back at me in the form of multiple tractor-repulser beams to the point I was rolling for excess damage two turns later. That one still hurts...


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