Friday, April 1, 2011


Despite my desire to do my own thing and my inclination to go from Z to A, I'll go ahead and do it because it might give a little more structure than I typically have around here. The theme for the month here at the Tower is "Characters" - in particular my characters. Not monsters, not NPC's (though you could certainly use them as such) but characters I have made and played in some kind of RPG somewhere at some time.

This should be fun.


  1. The whole A-to-Z thing is just a handy way to structure a month's worth of posts, just as you said. That's pretty much why we thought it would be fun, especially since we were already doing some A-to-Z stuff. We've added you to the list at Old School Heretic, so we cna make sure to drop in and read everyone's A-to-Z posts (at least those we know about).

  2. Cool, thanks guys. I'm getting on board with it now..

  3. wow, that is a lot of thought that you put into your character. A is for Awesome.


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